
First C++ Program

A Hello World Program Header Files C++ by default has no functions but only few valid statements. To use various functions, we want to include a header file which carry few of the functions. If we do not include any header file and use any of the functions that is part of the particular header file, the compiler shows an ERROR. Eg: <iostream.h>                                                *Refer to list of Header files Comments The piece of code ignored by the compiler is known as comment. The Different type of comments are: Single line comments: The line of code beginning with // is ignored by the compiler. Multiple line comments: The part of code enclosed between /* and */ are ignored by the compiler even after it comprises more than a single line. See it all in a video:


The Standard Input Operator ">>" also called stream extraction operator is used to get an input. It is used with the standard input stream(cin). It stores the input in a variable. Example: Getting an input in a variable named "In". cin>>In; The Standard Output Operator "<<" also called stream insertion operator is used to display output. It is used with the standard output stream(cout). It prints text or some valueon the output screen. Example: Printing "Hello" on the screen. cout<<"Hello"; Example: Printing a calculation. cout<<2+7;   //Prints '9' The difference comes out on the basis of use of quotes"". Cascading of I/O Operators Cascading refers to taking multiple inputs or outputs in a single line. Multiple inputs takes place by placing ">>" between the different variable names. Multiple outputs occur by placin...


A token is a group of characters that logically belong together. They are like building blocks of a Programming Language.The programmer can write a program by using tokens. C++ uses the following types of tokens. 1. Keywords These are some reserved words in C++ which have predefined meaning to compiler called keywords. It is discussed in previous section. 2. Identifiers Symbolic names(a sequence of alphabets,digits &/or underscores) can be used in C++ for various data items used by a programmer in his program. There are several rules for the formation of an identifier: An identifier can consist of alphabets, digits and/or underscores. It must not start with a digit C++ is case sensitive that is upper case and lower case letters are                considered different from each other. It should not be a reserved word. 3. Literals(Constants) Data items that never change their value during the execution of the program.You w...

Getting Started with C++

C++ Character Set Character set is a set of valid characters that a language can recognize. Letters A-Z, a-z Digits 0-9 Special Characters Space  +  -  *  /  ^  \  ()  []  {}  =  !=  <>  ‘  “  $  ,  ;  :  %  !  & ? _  #  <=  >=  @  Formatting characters backspace, horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, and carriage return Tokens A token is a group of characters that logically belong together. They are like building blocks of a Programming Language.The programmer can write a program by using tokens. C++ uses the following types of tokens. Keywords Identifiers Literals(Constants) Punctuation Operators Compilers/IDEs(Integrated Development Environment) Turbo C++: Download link  Turbo C++ CodeBlocks: Download link  CodeBlocks See it all in a video:

History Of C++

Your very own C++ was not available for programming until the 70's.It was only in the 1978 at AT&T Bell Labs , when its head Bjarne Stroustrup wanted to create a new language based on his experience. He chose to redevelop the language C . He found that something is missing in this general purpose programming language . He found that it was lacking behind the concepts of Object Oriented Programming , which were present in one of his favorite Programming language Simula 67 . So, he started his work for what he then called "C with Classes". It was called with the same name until 1983. He wrote many books regarding this language.

What is C++?

C++ is a general purpose programming language used for creating programs that range from the easiest to the great programs like Operating Systems, Web Browsers, E-mail clients ,Photo editing software etc.